Sure thing.  I'll do the same below.

On 05/10/2016 04:54 PM, Mun Johl wrote:
Hi Jesse,

Thanks very much for your reply.
See my inline comments below.

On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 1:37 PM, Jesse Connell <
<>> wrote:

    Hi Mun,

    What's the shell set to for the queue?  If I remember right csh is
    the default (and it'll use the default if you don't specify -S).
    For example:

    For our setup "qconf -sconf | grep shell" shows:

    shell_start_mode             posix_compliant
    login_shells                 sh,bash,ksh,csh,tcsh

​[Mun] I get the same results.​

Hmm, re-reading the man page for sge_conf, I think it will *always* start jobs run with those shells as login shells. This might actually be the opposite of what you're looking for.

    and "qconf -sq somequeue | grep shell" shows:

    shell                 /bin/bash
    shell_start_mode      posix_compliant

*​[Mun] Yikes!  Here are my results:*
*shell                 /bin/csh*
*shell_start_mode      posix_compliant*
*Okay, I'm new to grid config; so does the above imply that the CSH
startup file will be automatically read (if found) for every qsub job?*

It just implies that it'll use /bin/csh as the shell to run the script under, and that it should not pay attention to a "#!" at the start of the script (that's for "posix_compliant" start mode). If I remember right, it uses a login shell (of whatever shell type you're using) for batch jobs that are submitted using those shells. From some quick tests just now it looks like even binary jobs are run within a login shell unless you specifically run it with a shell setting that *isn't* in that list.

For example, I compiled a tiny program to print the MODULEPATH variable, and submitted it under bash and zsh

qsub -cwd -S '/bin/bash' -b y ./env
qsub -cwd -S '/bin/zsh' -b y ./env

The bash one shows our usual MODULEPATH, but the zsh one shows (null). As I understand it, that's because zsh isn't in our list of login shells.

    We recently switched the shell from /bin/csh to /bin/bash on each
    queue since so few were using csh anyway.  This still tries to
    source .bash_profile, since it'll be a login shell either way.  (Is
    that the part that's problematic, though, as opposed to csh vs. bash?)

*​[Mun] Yes (if I understand correctly).  That is, I don't want the
shell startup file(s) to be read re​gardless of the configured shell for
the queue.  I want qsub to leverage the calling env's variables (thus, I
use 'qsub -V').  Is that possible?

I *think* it should be as simple as removing the login_shell entries, but I don't have direct experience there. (Has anybody else been running things that way?) I'm guessing your users could then just decide for themselves when and where they want to load profile scripts for particular jobs.

*Thanks again for the informative reply, Jesse.*
*-- *

Sure, I figure I owe it to the list after lurking for so long :)


    On 05/10/2016 01:30 PM, Mun Johl wrote:


        I'm running OGS/GE 2011.11p1 on CentOS 6.5 .

        I have noticed that for some reason ~/.cshrc is read
        automatically for
        every qsub command I issue.  My default environment is actually
        Bash; I
        only put a .cshrc in my home dir to test something for a peer
        and then I
        noticed qsub would read the .cshrc file automatically (which
        affected my jobs).

        I do not have a .sge_request file in my home dir nor in the dir from
        where I launch qsub.  And my qsub options do not include -S .

        I've tried various SGE DEBUG LEVELs, but none that I've tried
        have left
        breadcrumbs as to why ~/.cshrc was being read.

        This is driving me crazy, so any insight would be helpful.  Yes, I
        _could_ just remove the .cshrc file, but others here actually use
        csh/tcsh and could be affected by this as well.  Therefore, I'd
        like to
        root cause the issue if possible.



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