> 1. The directory you entered above is not the correct path; or> 2. The conf 
> file you are editting is not being read.> > Check 1 by requesting a file that 
> you know doesn't exist and check the> error log to see what path apache is 
> searching in. Check 2 by putting> a deliberate syntax error in the conf file, 
> restart the server, and> make sure apache fails to start with an error.> > 
> Joshua.
The directory in question - /home/mydirectory/www/awstats
is a path to a script alias.  In other words, 
ScriptAlias /awstats/ "/usr/local/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/"(appears in the 
virtual domain tag for this domain).
Could that have anything to do with the problem?
Express yourself wherever you are. Mobilize!

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