Eric Covener wrote:
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Jay Sprenkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<location /Debug>
SetHandler fastcgi-script

Inherits Options +ExecCGI from somewhere?
I don't believe this is required for a static fastcgi program, but I'll try it.
Action fastcgi-test /Debug/pluwt.exe
AddHandler fastcgi-test .fcgi

If I then try
The log tells me apache can't find "test.fcgi" in my root directory.

It does have to be in your docroot in this example --  Is it there?
What I expected it to do was:
*  match ".fcgi" which  invokes the 'fastcgi-test' handler,
* the requests to that handler are filled by the .exe program named in the Action directive

All fastcgi URLs are supposed to be sent to the fastcgi program to be handled, not served directly and don't exist in the docroot. (That program will reads the url 'test.fcgi' and produces a page from a 'test' template)

I could do it by passing the template name as a parameter:
but it seemed more elegant to just direct all requests via a directive and leave out the implied executable name. I started development with IIS, and it does this just fine, but ran into other insoluable problems with it.

The various bits of documentation are contradictory about needing to use a
mime type instead of a user created handler with the action directive.
I tried that as well with no success.

I had a config laying around using the "invent a pseudo mime-type
form" with AddType  I was able to change it to the handler-style
instead and it worked just fine.

It looks just the same as yours, I'm requesting /foo/index.php which
is found via an Alias directive and passed to the thing living in the
fastcgi-script location.

# shell script wrapper around php
FastCGIServer /stuff/cgi-bin/php-fastcgi -processes 4 -flush

# where the actual fastcgi, the php interpreter, lives
ScriptAlias /fcgi-bin  /stuff/cgi-bin
<Location /fcgi-bin>
  Options ExecCGi
  SetHandler fastcgi-script

Action my-fastcgi /fcgi-bin/php-fastcgi
AddHandler my-fastcgi .php

Alias /foo /usr/local/foo

Thanks, I'll try this one

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