MK wrote:
On 06/05/2009 07:46:47 PM, Res wrote:

There is a myriad of build options, you'll need to
A: (fastest)
Look at the repository for the source version, then look at how they built apache and make sure you built the same

You mean how the stock FC10 was built? Considering I am using "the" apache manual, I would hope this does not matter w/r/t to an incredibly basic issue: my cgi-bin files cannot write to anywhere. Also, I prefer to learn to use and understand apache rather than trying to just replicate a single scenario which, evidently, I do not understand. I should be able to run httpd and have the cgi scripts read/write files. I do not believe that is an "optional" feature of a web server.

So I will pick option B:

B: (slowest)
1/ paste how you built apache in here
2/ include relevant sections of httpd.conf
else its just a time wasting guessing game :)

1) ./configure
   make check -- there is no check
   make test -- there is no test
   make install (everything seems ok!)

2) <Directory "/var/www/html">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

I suppose that is insecure, but I am just using this on my desktop.

Again, SELinux is disabled.

Taking it from here, and one tiny step at a time.
(Sorry to be httpd-101 kind of level, but it pays to be really systematic)

As which user is Apache running ? (supposing it is running).
You can check for User and Group directives in httpd.conf, or just do a "ps -ef | grep apache" (or grep httpd) There should be one "main" process running as root, and the children running as the real effective userid. That's the one which counts.

Then check if the directory /var/www/html (at the filesystem level) is really readable/writeable by this user (or wherever else your cgi-bin is supposed to read/write). Login as root, do an "su - (the apache children's userid)", go wherever and try a "touch somefile".

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