Hi, William

For your answer to my question 1, current I use BlueCoat reverse proxy which is 
passing internet remote client IP to the backend server. We'd like to migrate 
the reverse proxy server to Apache server. The rest network setup has not been 

For your answer to my question2, it is my fault that I did not post all the 
related statements. Here they are:

<Proxy balancer://backend>
   BalancerMember https://backend1:443 keepalive=on
   BalancerMember https://backend2:443 keepalive=on
 ProxyPass       /       balancer://backend/
 ProxyPassReverse        /       balancer://backend/ 

Like I said, the Apache does not stick the https session to one particular 
server for the session.

Ryan Jiang

-----Original Message-----
From: William A. Rowe Jr. [mailto:wr...@rowe-clan.net] 
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 9:14 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: [us...@httpd] Passing remote client IP address to backend server 
and session stickness

I realize I just answered you, but in response to your explicit and
specific questions;

Ruiyuan Jiang wrote:
> Question 1: Is there a way to pass Internet users' IP address to backend 
> server through Apache reverse proxy server? I am testing that feature so far 
> no luck. My backend server gets Apache proxy server's IP address. But I'd 
> like to have Internet users' IP being passed through Apache. This is http 
> request.

Only if this information has been shared with you by the upstream proxy
or router/gateway/forward proxy.  E.g. - what mod_remoteip is designed
to decode, ---when the information is presented---.

> Question 2: I am testing another Apache reverse proxy which proxies two 
> backend https servers. I am trying to use mod_proxy_balancer.
> <proxy balancer://mycluster>
>       Balancermember keepalive=on
>       Balancermember keepalive=on
> </proxy>
> Proxypass /test balancer:mycluster/
> When I test to access the site, I got login prompt from first server which I 
> saw from access log. I typed in login name and password. I got the login 
> prompt back but from the log I saw the connectivity was back from server 2. 
> It seems to me like round robin connection to backend server by Apache. I 
> tried with keyword "JSESSION" but no luck. Does anyone know how to configure 
> Apache so the same connection always goes through the same backend https 
> (http) server. Thanks in advance.

Are you forgetting your ProxyPassReverse statements?  As of the current
version, the syntax above (but wtf happened to your // before mycluster???)
would work just fine for a ProxyPassReverse rule.

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