On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 2:26 PM, Toni Moreno <toni.mor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Ben, Eric , I'm developing a centraliced IT-Administration platform.(
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/itsat/ )
> …
> I've tested your suggestion (  by adding a chmod  while still root)  but
> doen't work:
Hi Toni

This isn't what Eric suggested. Eric's reply to you:

> mod_fcgid doesn't do this for you. If you POST to a fastcgi, read the
> post body in whatever direct way your language provides.  Don't try to
> figure out what temporary file the server may have created in the
> background and read it as a file.

If you are using mod_fcgid, the uploaded file is made available to you as
stdin. The temporary file created in /tmp is *ONLY* for the use of
mod_fcgid itself - applications run using mod_fcgid should read the file
from stdin.

What you are trying would only work *BY CHANCE* if you were running under
the same user.



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