
A friend wants me to help him set up a business site.
I've told him I know next to nothing about what he
wants to do, but that still makes me, "the only one
he knows, who knows anything about it."  I said I'd
ask for some info, but that he'd have to be the one
to deal with it.  Has to be, or he'll be going out
of business on the first day, out of sheer ignorance.
That, and I know next to nothing about properly
setting up a web site, let alone one like he wants.

He said he wanted to do a small catalog, with
shopping cart, and do credit/debit/paypal.  I told
him he's going to have to secure it all, too, so
people's card info wouldn't be travelling to Russia,

There's probably a dozen or more other things I
don't know anything about.

Do any of you folks know anything, info sites, services,
and or, etc., that I can pass along to him?

Thanks in advance.


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