-----Original Message----- From: Michael Fladischer
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2016 10:43 PM

What I tried so far in my configuration:

ProxyPass "/ws" "unix:/tmp/app.sock|ws://example.com/ws"

Does anyone have an idea what needs to be changed to make this work?

The "incantation I needed for getting one IP socket application with some http payload to run proxied was:

ProxyPass "/app" "http://localhost:port
ProxyPassReverse "/app" "http://localhost:port";
ProxyPass "/appws" "ws://localhost:port"
ProxyPass "/appws" "wss://localhost:port"
ProxyPassReverse "/appws" "ws://localhost:port"
ProxyPassReverse "/appws" "wss://localhost:port"

+ <Directory> definitions for both /app and /appws

The app in question was IP-socket based, but I think the basic idea is the same, both reverse and forward proxying has to be configured as well as secured channel if needed.


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