On 2016-05-22 15:19, Eric Covener wrote:
> I got marginally farther (wstunnell connected to example.com so
> something is still amiss).

My tornado application listening on the UDS does not see any incoming
connections. So it seems that it hangs somewhere in Apache.

>  Are you sure your curl test had an Upgrade: WebSocket header?  That
> is one thing that makes wstunnell decline to handle the request.

You are right, curl missed the required headers. I went on to test it
with `wscat`[0] and Echo Test[1]. Both work when I use nginx to proxy
the connection to my UDS. But no response when using it with Apache.

[0] http://websockets.github.io/ws/
[1] http://www.websocket.org/echo.html

Michael Fladischer

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