So you don't think it's a bug in Apache?   Okay.   I only have two IP
addresses.   One is an IPv4 IP address, one is an IPv6 IP address.   When I
get some more time, I'll try some experimenting and see if I can duplicate
the issue.   If it's okay with the mailing list, I'd like to provide a copy
of my entire Apache configuration file.   I'd really like to try and
understand what exactly happened.   There was no ServerName
anywhere in the Apache config file, there was no ServerAlias
in the Apache config file.   I think I might understand what you're saying.

On the remote server, when I ran curl, maybe it converted
to the IP address, so instead of going to, I was actually
going to, for example.  I've looked at my hosts file, I have an
entry for, but nothing for

On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 7:38 PM, Yehuda Katz <> wrote:

> This is a common enough setup that it is unlikely to be a bug and more
> likely to be a configuration error.
> cPanel creates VirtualHosts using the IP address of the server. For
> example, I have a cPanel server running behind NAT, so there are two
> default virtual hosts:
>> <VirtualHost>
>>     ServerName
>>     DocumentRoot /var/www/html
>>     ServerAdmin
>>     <IfModule suphp_module>
>>         suPHP_UserGroup nobody nobody
>>     </IfModule>
>> </VirtualHost>
>> <VirtualHost *>
>>     ServerName
>>     DocumentRoot /var/www/html
>>     ServerAdmin
>>     <IfModule suphp_module>
>>         suPHP_UserGroup nobody nobody
>>     </IfModule>
>> </VirtualHost>
> The actual account Virtual Host uses the IP address in the VirtualHost
> block, so the default that would be selected would be the one with the IP
> address:
> <VirtualHost>
>>   ServerName
>>   DocumentRoot /home2/example_net/public_html
>>   ServerAdmin
> would fall back to the first Virtual Host because it is more specific.
> If there is a different IP for the website on one of your systems - for
> example in the hosts file - that would cause it to all back to a different
> Virtual Host than you expect because the IP doesn't match.
> - Y
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 6:44 PM, Spork Schivago <>
> wrote:
>> Yehuda,
>> Could you please explain what you mean in a little more detail?   I only
>> have one server running Apache and I only have that one DNS server.   I
>> don't really see how my DNS server could be setup in such away where it
>> affects Apache's DocumentRoot's directive...
>> When I was logged into the remote server running Apache, Apache was
>> serving files from a different directory than it was when I was accessing
>> Apache via my local machine.   I hope that makes sense.   Looking at my
>> Apache conf log, when I was accessing Apache from my local machine, it was
>> acting properly, because I didn't have a VirtualHost setup for the www
>> host, but when I was accessing Apache from the server that was running
>> Apache, it was serving files from the VirtualHost directory.
>>    ServerAliases have been commented out.   To my knowledge, this should
>> not happen.
>> I can probably regenerate it.   I've restarted the server and everything,
>> but I was thinking maybe this was some sort of bug and not a misconfigured
>> server.
>> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 4:47 PM, Yehuda Katz <> wrote:
>>> Did you check your DNS to make sure both systems are resolving to the
>>> same IP address?
>>> - Y
>>> On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 3:31 PM, Spork Schivago <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I have a bit of a weird problem that I'd like some help tracking down.
>>>>   I'm pretty sure it's something with Apache.   In my Apache 2.4.25
>>>> (cPanel) config file, I have the ServerAliases disabled.   There's a
>>>> "catch-all" entry for unbound IPs, that look like this:
>>>> <VirtualHost *>
>>>>     ServerName
>>>>     DocumentRoot /var/www/html
>>>>     ServerAdmin
>>>>     <IfModule suphp_module>
>>>>         suPHP_UserGroup nobody nobody
>>>>     </IfModule>
>>>> </VirtualHost>
>>>> Further down, I have a VirtualHost entry for, which has a
>>>> DocumentRoot of /home/<myusername>/public_html
>>>> I setup a test file, /home/<myusername>/public_html
>>>> /.well-known/acme-challenge/test that says
>>>> Then I setup another test file, 
>>>> /var/www/html/.well-known/acme-challenge/test
>>>> that says
>>>> I have .htaccess files in /home/<myusername>/public_html that redirect
>>>> all traffic to secure ports.   I have cPanel installed and have manually
>>>> setup subdomains for the various cPanel stuff.
>>>> Anyway, when I run the following command on the remote server:
>>>>    curl
>>>> I see the 301 redirect.   When I run:
>>>>    curl
>>>> I see the:
>>>> However, when I run those commands on my local Linux box instead of the
>>>> remote server that's running Apache, I see:
>>>>   curl
>>>>   myhostname.mydomain-test
>>>>   curl
>>>> It's not just curl, lynx, the command line web browser, does the same
>>>> thing.   On the remote computer that's running Apache, for some reason, I'm
>>>> seeing different results than I am when I run the commands on my local
>>>> Linux box.
>>>> Any idea what's going on?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Ken Swarthout

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