HHmm... okay.  The issue I'm having is that crypt() no longer seems to
exist in openssl 1.1.0, which is what apr_util is testing for, and when it
cannot find it in 1.1.0 it decides to use the 1.0.0 version
of the system libs....so apr-util and httpd are built with 1.0.0 and
mod_ssl with 1.1.0

  Guess I will try to contact some of the sites providing httpd 2.4.x
binaries with 1.1.0 support and ask about how they are handling apr-util.


On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 2:04 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net>

> On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 10:24 AM Matthew Goebel <mgoe...@emich.edu> wrote:
>> Ah, and I've been looking at httpd instead of mod_ssl.so, this does in
>> fact appear to be working... ugh... never mind me.
> No worries, but please note that apr-util can be built linking to openssl,
> and if that optional apr_crypto_openssl module is triggered before httpd
> loads mod_ssl, it may resolve the wrong library, so you may want to get
> the appropriate -R path into the apr-util build.
> Also, apr-util can load one of many different keyed or relational DB
> or ldap providers, most of which have linkages to a crypto provider.
> Those may be hard-wired to load and require an older openssl, and
> you will need to rebuild the whole db/sql/ldap provider lib against
> the more modern openssl.

Matthew Goebel : goe...@emunix.emich.edu : Unix Jockey @ EMU : Hail Eris
Neo-Student, Net Lurker, Donut consumer, and procrastinating medher...
 "Always with the negative waves, Moriarty" - Oddball
 "Comfort the troubled, and trouble the comfortable." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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