On Sat, Oct 3, 2020 at 13:46 Scott A. Wozny <sawo...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Sounds like a job for AJAX, but before throwing out the baby with the bath
> water I'd seriously consider turning up logging with timestamps on your
> existing CGI and

That's a good idea, Scott, I've just been too lazy and debugging CGI is
such a pain.

The clients are mostly casual browsers, but every visitor triggers the CGI
so that's a lot of work for the db. Regarding the db it's currently an
SQLite instance but I'm running about 10+ virtual sites off the same db and
needing writes so that alone may be part of the problem.

Also, I do have a good Pg db running I've intended to use but just haven't
gotten a "round tuit" yet.

But, could a web socket setup help do you think?



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