I frames have their use – but usually to include content from another site 
(e.g. google maps, you tube etc) – or to embed dynamic content that either 
needs to be dynamically updated and can’t do this with AJAX or you are 
struggling with CSS clashes as the iframe is a different document. Not sure if 
it would really help here – I think I would look at AJAX first – depends on 
what you are trying to do.

There are alternative ways you can do this – but depends on your server 
architecture – if you are using mod_perl for instances you can look at an 
output filter to add the data, if you are using PSGI you may be able to wrap 
additional layers around your code {won’t gain you much but would avoid 
additional calls to cgi scripts} and add the content into the page after the 
page has been rendered. With mod_perl you can do useful stuff with pnotes, in 
other cases you may be able to use environment variables if you are running in 
the same process {not easy if you are doing two separate calls}

The system we use is set up to do two stage caching – one which caches the 
content of the page with placeholders which then get processed with additional 

From: Tom Browder <tom.brow...@gmail.com>
Sent: 04 October 2020 11:44
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Re: Alternatives to SSI (server side includes)? [EXT]

On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 04:38 Rob De Langhe 
<rob.de.lan...@twistfare.be<mailto:rob.de.lan...@twistfare.be>> wrote:

I simply use (or dynamically construct) a page with iframes, in which each 
iframe gets loaded by a separate CGI results;
Hm, I've always thought that iframes were frowned upon in modern practice. I'll 
have to read up on them

Thanks, Rob.



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