Hi Dan,

I would be interested in helping out with a new viewer that is stateless 
and (data-type) extensible. When I first saw this thread I thought 
"HTML 5?" Then I saw David's reply and comment, so then maybe 

I know of an application development coming up in a few years time 
where I'd like to push Isis, but it requires support for scientific data 
visualisation (waveforms, graphs and etc). So this would be an 
absolute must for me (the ability to add a component handler for a 
MIME/blob type)... (d3js.org looks interesting.. must look more into it)

> Anyway... no work on a new RO viewer is going to happen this side of Xmas,
> but it might be worth arranging some sort of get together over a offsite
> weekend (in Europe, somewhere) to thrash out ideas.    

Excellent idea. I'd also like to add "timezone handling" to the agenda..

> I'm thinking something like Mar~May next year (depending on how well
> Estatio beds in when it goes live). 
> Let me know your thoughts, and whether you'd be interested in meeting up to
> discuss this (or any other Isis-related stuff, I suppose).

Well, I can recommend Slovenia (EasyJet flies direct to Ljubljana)! 
It's a quiet little country and most people probably wouldn't consider 
coming here without good reason, so why not offer this as a reason.. 
but practically I realise that somewhere more central is more likely to 
be favoured by all.

> Cheers
> Dan

Kevin Meyer,      Cell: +386 (0)70 260 321   Ljubljana, Slovenia

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