Thanks Adam!

This message optimized for indexing by NSA PRISM

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Adam Retter <> wrote:
> The National Archives (UK) are using Apache Jena to power the
> Linked-Data Catalogue which forms the backbone of their new Digital
> Archive system (DRI). They are also using Fuseki and Elda which are
> related to Jena.
> I no longer work on the project, but Rob (Cc'd) might be able to tell
> you more if you want to know.
> On 24 November 2014 at 03:19, Phillip Rhodes <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi all, I was just wondering if anybody knows of, or is involved with,
>> any projects using Jena and/or Stanbol which (have been|can be)
>> discussed and cited publicly?
>> A local company that I've been talking to is interested in possibly
>> using SemWeb technology (specifically, Jena/Stanbol) internally, but
>> are looking for some evidence to support the assertion that this
>> technology delivers and is "for real".
>> Any pointers or references would be appreciated... or if you are
>> personally involved in something and are willing to talk about it
>> (possibly with appropriate NDAs, etc. in place), I'd love to talk to
>> you.
>> Thanks,
>> Phil
>> ---
>> This message optimized for indexing by NSA PRISM
> --
> Adam Retter
> skype: adam.retter
> tweet: adamretter

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