On 04/03/17 14:51, Laura Morales wrote:
In the RDF space:
For Property Graphs:

Apache TinkerPop (you have to find a persistence layer IIRC), and for
analytics, Apache Spark/GraphX, Apache Giraph, and others.


what's the difference between these two areas? Does it mean that
GraphX/Giraph are only good to analyze large graph and draw statistics,
whereas I should use others like Fuseki/Marmotta if I want to build an
application (in the same way that I'd normally use PostgreSQL)?

Roughly - yes.

A lot of the activity (and hence investment) in the property graph space is around analytics.

It's not a black/white divide. There are some pretty big RDF installations (many billions of triples, these tend not to be web accessible) doing analytics finding patterns in the data.

RDF emphasizes information modelling
   Publishing data / separation of app and data
   Knowledge graphs
   Standard interchange formats

Property Graph emphasizes
  Data capture
  Graph analytic algorithms


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