Hi Semion,
Thanks for your email, but that config actually kills the SMSCs:
SMPP[first_smsc]: io_thread: break and shutting down


> Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2011 00:32:59 +0300
> From: sem...@smscoin.com
> To: users@kannel.org
> Subject: Re: SMSC routing problem
> Hi Gerardo,
> try this:
> group = smsc
> smsc = smpp
> smsc-id = first_smsc
> allowed-smsc-id = first_smsc
> ...
> group = smsc
> smsc = smpp
> smsc-id = second_smsc
> allowed-smsc-id = second_smsc
> On 04/28/2011 11:47 PM, Gerardo Corro wrote:
> > Hi Kannel people,
> >
> > I have a SMSC routing problem:
> >
> > We have one smsbox:
> > group = smsbox
> > bearerbox-host = localhost
> > sendsms-port = 13013
> > log-file = "/opt/kannel/log/smsbox.log"
> > log-level = 1
> > access-log = "/opt/kannel/log/access.log"
> >
> > two smscs
> > #SMSCs
> > group = smsc
> > smsc = smpp
> > smsc-id = first_smsc
> > ...
> > group = smsc
> > smsc = smpp
> > smsc-id = second_smsc
> > ...
> >
> >
> > two sender users:
> > group = sendsms-user
> > username = first_user
> > password = first
> > max-messages = 200
> > concatenation = true
> > forced-smsc = first_smsc
> >
> > group = sendsms-user
> > username = second_user
> > password = second
> > max-messages = 200
> > concatenation = true
> > forced-smsc = second_smsc
> >
> >
> > one sms service
> > # SMS SERVICE Default
> > group = sms-service
> > keyword = default
> > catch-all = true
> > accepted-smsc = "first_smsc;second_smsc"
> > max-messages=0
> > get-url = http://localhost:13180/smsreceiver/sms?from=%p&to=%P&msg=%a&orig=%
> >
> > When I want to send an SMS using the "first_smsc" SMSC I do this:
> > http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=first_user&password=first&from=1234&to=4321&coding=1&udh=%06%05%04%40%f2%0e%84&text=COOKIE
> >
> > when I want to send an SMS to "second_smsc" I do this:
> > http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=second_user&password=second&from=1234&to=4321&coding=1&text=ok
> >
> > But some SMSs that are supposed to go throught the first SMSC go through
> > the second one, and viceversa.
> >
> > Please assist, thanks.
> >
> -- 
> Regards,
> Semion Spivak
> SmsCoin.com Technical support.

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