On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 11:53:09AM -0500, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> Since I have learned that the Fedora community is quite hostile to any kind
> of complaint ("it's as-is because we-know-better and

Well, I admit to being a little hostile to _this_ kind of complaint,
which is pretty hard to even respond to in a helpful way because it's
so full of unsubstantiated aggressive statements. (Starting right in
the subject.)
If you'd start instead with "Hey, people are mostly putting these on
bigger USB drives these days, so could we raise the size limit and
include more useful stuff"?, you _might_ get better results.

On the other hand, you might _not_, because your use case for the live
USB is not necessarily everyone's, and in fact it certainly is not the
main reason we produce these images today.

The primary thing is: the main point of the live CD is to provide an
easy environment for installs of the Workstation edition and the
various desktop spins. Not much work has been put into making it really
useful as a thing in itself beyond a tool to use to make sure
everything works with your hardware and as a convenience in a pinch.
Lots of the functionality — like the overlay support — to do more than
that has bitrotted because no one who cares has worked on it.

If you care, or know someone who cares, _that's_ how you can improve
the situation.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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