Now I didn't get it  ...

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Alex Balashov
> Ovidiu Sas wrote:
>>> If it is loose_route() that I need to correlate subsequent in-dialog
>>> requests, why?  As you said, if no RR cookies are being used, why should
>>> the
>>> proxy care about the Route: header?
>> I don't know how to put it better in other words :(
>> The proxy doesn't care about the Route header.
>> The proxy uses the record routing mechanism as a hook into the dialog
>> internals and the matching is done inside the dialog module.  After
>> that, the dialog module will chose the matching mechanism.
> I got that.
> So, why does matching not work unless I call loose_route(), regardless of
> match mode?  :-)
> --
> Alex Balashov
> Evariste Systems
> Web    :
> Tel    : (+1) (678) 954-0670
> Direct : (+1) (678) 954-0671
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