
Am 24.10.2012 um 09:36 schrieb Nicolas Deladerriere:

> I am having issue running ompi-clean which clean up (this is normal) session 
> associated to a user which means it kills all running jobs assoicated to this 
> session (this is also normal). But I would like to be able to clean up 
> session associated to a job (a not user).
> Here is my point:
> I am running two executable :
>  % mpirun -np 2 myexec1
>        --> run with PID 2399 ...
>  % mpirun -np 2 myexec2
>        --> run with PID 2402 ...
> When I run orte-clean I got this result :
>  % orte-clean -v
>  orte-clean: cleaning session dir tree openmpi-sessions-ndelader@myhost_0
>  orte-clean: killing any lingering procs
>  orte-clean: found potential rogue orterun process (pid=2399,user=ndelader), 
> sending SIGKILL...
>  orte-clean: found potential rogue orterun process (pid=2402,user=ndelader), 
> sending SIGKILL...
> Which means that both jobs have been killed :-(
> Basically I would like to perform orte-clean using executable name or PID or 
> whatever that identify which job I want to stop an clean. It seems I would 
> need to create an openmpi session per job. Does it make sense ? And I would 
> like to be able to do something like following command and get following 
> result :
>   % orte-clean -v myexec1
>  orte-clean: cleaning session dir tree openmpi-sessions-ndelader@myhost_0
>  orte-clean: killing any lingering procs
>  orte-clean: found potential rogue orterun process (pid=2399,user=ndelader), 
> sending SIGKILL...
> Does it make sense ? Is there a way to perform this kind of selection in 
> cleaning process ?

How many jobs are you starting on how many nodes at one time? This requirement 
could be a point to start to use a queuing system, where can remove job 
individually and also serialize your workflow. In fact: we use GridEngine also 
local on workstations for this purpose.

-- Reuti

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