"SLIM H.A." <h.a.s...@durham.ac.uk> writes:

> Dear Reuti and Ralph
> Below is the output of the run for openmpi 1.8.3 with this line
> mpirun -np $NSLOTS --display-map --display-allocation --cpus-per-proc 1 $exe

-np is redundant with tight integration unless you're using fewer than

> ompi_info | grep psm
> gives                 MCA mtl: psm (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.8.3)
> because the intercoonect is TrueScale/QLogic
> and
> setenv OMPI_MCA_mtl "psm"
> is set in the script.

It should select that anyhow, though it's worth defaulting it in
openmpi-mca-params.conf in case something goes awry and you end up with
openib, or even tcp, instead of psm.  (I've known inconsistent library
versions cause psm not to load.)

> This is the PE
> pe_name           orte
> slots             4000
> user_lists        NONE
> xuser_lists       NONE
> start_proc_args   /bin/true
> stop_proc_args    /bin/true

"none" is a better choice, now the default.

> allocation_rule   $fill_up

fill_up is potentially problematic with PSM -- at least the old stuff we
have.  You tend to run out of contexts(?) with multiple jobs on the node
and I couldn't get it to behave by setting environment variables.

> control_slaves    TRUE
> job_is_first_task FALSE
> urgency_slots     min

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