Hi Harutyun,

We use RoCE v2 using OpenMPI on our cluster, and it works great. We used to use 
the openib BTL, but have moved competely across to UCX.

You have to configure RoCE on your switches and NICs (we use a mixture of 
Mellanox CX-4, CX-5 and CX-6 NICs, with Mellanox switches running Cumulus). We 
use DSCP and priority 3 for RoCE traffic tagging, and all our nodes run 
Mellanox OFED on RHEL7.

Once RoCE is configured and tested (using things like ib_send_bw -d mlx5_bond_0 
-x 7 -R -T 106  -D 10), getting UCX to use RoCE is quite easy, and compiling 
OpenMPI to use UCX is also very easy.

From: users <users-boun...@lists.open-mpi.org> on behalf of Harutyun Umrshatyan 
via users <users@lists.open-mpi.org>
Sent: Sunday, 4 September 2022 04:28
To: users@lists.open-mpi.org <users@lists.open-mpi.org>
Cc: Harutyun Umrshatyan <harutyun...@grovf.com>
Subject: [EXT] [OMPI users] MPI with RoCE

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Hi everyone

Could someone please share any experience using MPI with RoCE ?
I am trying to set up infiniband adapters (Mellanox cards for example) and run 
MPI applications with RoCE (Instead of TCP).
As I understand, there might be some environment requirements or restrictions 
like kernel version, installed drivers, etc.
I have tried a lot of versions of mpi libs and could not succeed. Would highly 
appreciate any hint or experience shared.

Best regards,
Harutyun Umrshatyan

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