Dear Sean,

You gave me a lot of info!
Now I am going to set up RHEL7 with Mellanox OFED to test it. Before I had
setup without Mlx OFED on Ubuntu. Do you think it might cause issues ?
Also please let me know the ompi version you have used and do I understand
it right that ucx is intalled and configured separately, then openmpi is
configured to used it?

Thanks again for your help!

On Sun, Sep 4, 2022, 09:20 Sean Crosby <> wrote:

> Hi Harutyun,
> We use RoCE v2 using OpenMPI on our cluster, and it works great. We used
> to use the openib BTL, but have moved competely across to UCX.
> You have to configure RoCE on your switches and NICs (we use a mixture of
> Mellanox CX-4, CX-5 and CX-6 NICs, with Mellanox switches running Cumulus).
> We use DSCP and priority 3 for RoCE traffic tagging, and all our nodes run
> Mellanox OFED on RHEL7.
> Once RoCE is configured and tested (using things like ib_send_bw -d
> mlx5_bond_0 -x 7 -R -T 106  -D 10), getting UCX to use RoCE is quite easy,
> and compiling OpenMPI to use UCX is also very easy.
> Sean
> ------------------------------
> *From:* users <> on behalf of Harutyun
> Umrshatyan via users <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, 4 September 2022 04:28
> *To:* <>
> *Cc:* Harutyun Umrshatyan <>
> *Subject:* [EXT] [OMPI users] MPI with RoCE
> * External email: Please exercise caution *
> ------------------------------
> Hi everyone
> Could someone please share any experience using MPI with RoCE ?
> I am trying to set up infiniband adapters (Mellanox cards for example) and
> run MPI applications with RoCE (Instead of TCP).
> As I understand, there might be some environment requirements or
> restrictions like kernel version, installed drivers, etc.
> I have tried a lot of versions of mpi libs and could not succeed. Would
> highly appreciate any hint or experience shared.
> Best regards,
> Harutyun Umrshatyan

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