Hi Stan,

I'm sorry that my not clarifying the background of this unsettled you somewhat.

I'm a PhD student at the University of Antwerp
<http://win.ua.ac.be/content/staff> and like many of my colleagues, I
was dissatisfied with the webmail interface that the ICT would
provide: It's old, it's buggy, and it seems unmaintained. Frustrating,
but oh well, I guess that's how it goes sometimes. Anyway, some
friends and I decided to have a look into free webmail solutions for
us to use at the Computer Science department, and to play around with
them a bit to see what's actually possible. This is purely a
spare-time activity really, but the success in setting up RoundCube
and getting a nice and modern webmail interface was quite

Of course I don't demand official support for this in any way, but
because of our performance problems I thought I'd just drop a line to
the users' mailing list. Sorry if you felt startled by this. It's cool
if you decide to ignore these mails of course, I mean, that's what
people do with 99% of their mailing lists I guess. Anyway, thanks for
your help so far.

> You are posting here with a gmail address
> instead of your university address.
This is b/c the UA email doesn't perform well in some areas --
incredibly long delivery delays, 500MB mailbox limit, other funny


On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Stan Hoeppner <s...@hardwarefreak.com> wrote:
> Nico, do you have permission/authorization to connect this RC server to
> the campus Exchange server?  You are posting here with a gmail address
> instead of your university address.  This leads me to believe you are
> not acting in an official capacity.
> Furthermore, if you are not a member of the university IT staff, it is
> possible that network layer (router/qos) roadblocks are the reason for
> the abysmal performance, and you will never know this.  If _we_ are to
> help you make this RC server function properly, we require accurate
> answers to our questions.  If you cannot provide that accurate
> information, we won't be able to fully help you.
> Keep in mind none of us wants to assist a rogue student in doing
> something against university policy or without proper permission.
> Hacking is a personal endeavor, not one that should involve IT
> professionals around the world who are spending their valuable time
> assisting you in something that may very well be illegal in your
> jurisdiction.
> Are you authorized to be doing this?  If so, get the information on the
> Exchange server, and interface with its admin staff to optimize your RC
> performance.
> --
> Stan
> Nico Schlömer put forth on 9/14/2010 2:05 PM:
>> PING imap.ua.ac.be ( 56 data bytes
>> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=124 time=2.053 ms
>> traceroute to imap.ua.ac.be (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
>>  1  pcfw1 (  0.655 ms  0.695 ms  0.472 ms
>>  4 (  1.725 ms  1.471 ms  1.217 ms
> Both machines are on the same friggin campus network Nico.  I'm very
> glad now I asked these questions.  I'm probably not the only one who
> thought this RC server was fairly remote to the IMAP server...
>>> 2. Do you have imapproxy installed on the RC server?
>> Never heard of that.
> See my other post.
>>> 3. What web server are you using?
>>> 4. What version of PHP?
>>> 5. What version of FreeBSD?
>> http://win.ua.ac.be/~nschloe/other/phpinfo.php
> All good.
>>> 6. What are the hardware specs (CPU speed/mem size) of both the RC
>>> server and the IMAP server?
>> RC server:
>> * 4 cores,
>>   CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5405  @ 2.00GHz (1999.78-MHz
>> K8-class CPU)
>> * 8 GB mem
> No apparent problems here.
>> I'd like to benchmark PHP applications in general, or have some sort
>> of general web application benchmark anyway. Suggestions?
> None from me.  Your PHP implementation isn't the problem here.
>> I have no idea about the hardware specs of the IMAP server.
> Too bad the Exchange server IMAP string below doesn't tell us. ;)
>>> 7. What IMAP server daemon/version is running on the IMAP server?
>> It must be one of those Microsoft Server installations -- no idea what
>> version though. Remote benchmark possible?
> Now that I have the server IP, I can answer my own question.  Look at
> the very last line below.  It's the Exchange 2003 IMAP connector.  So
> you were indeed correct about the IMAP server being Microsoft.  FWIW,
> the connection establishment time from Missouri, USA is instantaneous,
> even though the latency is in the 150-200ms range.
> [03:27:35][s...@greer]~$ openssl s_client -connect
> CONNECTED(00000003)
> depth=1 /C=BE/O=Cybertrust/OU=Educational CA/CN=Cybertrust Educational CA
> <snip><snip><snip>
>  0 s:/C=BE/ST=Antwerp/L=Antwerp/O=Universiteit
> Antwerpen/OU=ICT/CN=webmail.ua.ac.be
> <snip><snip><snip>
> ---
> * OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 IMAP4rev1 server version 6.5.7638.1
> (xmailf3.ad.ua.ac.be) ready.
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