On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Timothy Fisher wrote:

>  What I'm looking for is comments about how you use Maven.  What
> features do you use?  Maven can do quite a bit for your project, what do
> you have it do for your project?

At work, we pretty much just use it for the dependency downloading, easy
unit-test running and versionning.

The fact that every project is built with the same process helps nightly
builds to become possible. Every project has a 'maven.xml' file with
'genscape:build' as a target that builds whatever is necessary.

I may start adding a goal to the maven.xml's that packages all
dependencies up in a product-version-deps.zip for easy build/deploy, but
that would eventually require the need to get dependencies of

> Also, if you had been using Ant, I'm interested in any comments you have
> concerning your transition from Ant to Maven.  Was it an easy process?
> How has Maven benefited you over your use of Ant?

We were using Ant before we moved to Maven. Knowing just how to run things
was tricky as each ant script was custom copied/hacked for each module.
Maven effectively standardised that. However we did end up with 2 custom
plugins that people had to go and install after installing maven. We're
also still on maven b7 as our project.xml's break for newer maven
versions and need to have no longer used tags removed.

Basically the switch to Maven has mainly benefitted us in standardisation.
With hindsight now, we could have achieved the same effect by imposing a
standard build.xml with properties system, but that would have involved a
lot more in-fighting I suspect, and more maintenance.

> Please email me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do I have to? :)


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