Hi Timothy,

I installed MAVEN within a few companies in Austria and Switzerland ranging 
from 10 to 100+ subprojects as a lowely SQA consultant. Could be called 
enterprise settings ...


+) Maven was used for doing everything from buiding, testing, creating JARs, 
executable JARs, WAR, EARs and many other things resulting in a few plugins 
at http://maven-plugins.sourceforge.net

+) Most companies do have an automated build using ANT but they lack a common 
build infrastructure across multipe projects and project teams. The main 
reason for switching to MAVEN was the reporting faclilites. Integrating this 
stuff into ANT leads to a MAVEN clone (btw Maven started as ANT extension)

+) I faced a few enterprise cultural shocks such as the need of versioning 
JARs and a JAR repository, zillions of PMD and checkstyle warnings. I usually 
turn most of the warnings off ... :-)

+) Maven gives you a common infrastructure over ANT with more bells and 
whistles after  each release ...

+) Integrating a MAVEN build smoothly into an existing IDE build  is painful - 
you have to change directory structure, the name and location of JARs. Tried 
to use the MEVENIDE plugin for WSAD but didn't get it running. The bottom 
line is that it is easier to change the IDE settings than to tweak and break 

+) Sometimes the size and complexity of ANT scripts is mind boggling (my 
experience range from 40 to 400 KByte of ANT scripts). Hate to say that but 
moving from a monster ANT build to MAVEN is a challenge and not always worth 


+) Bulding multiple projects is not straightforward since reactor is flawed 
(sorry Jason). Problem is/were common properties of master/child project and 
running the whole build in a single JVM resulting in an OutOfMemory 
Exception. I replace the reactor funtionality with an ANT script ... :it 
sucks but keeps the customers happy

+) Maintaining the JAR dependencies and versions across more than 10 
subprojects is a pain in the ass. Nothing wrong with MAVEN here but I'm still 
thinking of a maven plugin doing the stuff from the command line such us 
looking for conflicting versions of a JAR and replacing the version number of 
a JAR across multiple projects

+) Writing JELLY scripts is something of a dark art 

+) Plugin documentation is mostly reading the JELLY code which is fine for me 
but a bit scarry for Maven muggles.


+) Another thing missing from MAVEN paradise is the aggregation of reporting 
data across multiple projects such as unit test, PMD warnings, and so on. 
Could be combined with historical data and charting using SVG.


Siegfried Goeschl

On Thursday 02 October 2003 19:06, Timothy Fisher wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm in the process of writing an article about Maven that will be
> published.  I'd like to hear from users who have been successfully using
> Maven, particularly in enterprise settings.  Although, I am open to hearing
> from open-source users as well.
> What I'm looking for is comments about how you use Maven.  What features do
> you use?  Maven can do quite a bit for your project, what do you have it do
> for your project?
> Also, if you had been using Ant, I'm interested in any comments you have
> concerning your transition from Ant to Maven.  Was it an easy process?  How
> has Maven benefited you over your use of Ant?
> Please email me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanks,
> Timothy Fisher
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