Thanks for the response.
Do you find the build to be fast enough for doing incremental builds?  I
mean, even if xdoclet doesn't generate the files in question, does the
timestamp check take unnecessarily long?  The reason I was thinking of
taking my generated files out of 'target/xdoclet', was because the
interfaces and utility classes it generates are so rarely updated, that the
constant refreshing of the classes becomes tedious.  How large is your
project and what do you use xdoclet for (entity and session ejbs, taglibs)?

Thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hagel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 3:18 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: location of generated source

I always put XDoclet-generated files in target/xdoclet/hibernatedoclet,
target/xdoclet/springdoclet, that kind of thing.
Isn't it true that XDoclet won't bother re-creating your generated classes
if the timestamps on the source and destination files match?  I mean is
there a force=false kind of setting or something?

You can also set
maven -DdoXDoclet=true
on the command line and just
<j:if test="${doXDoclet == 'true'}">
....xdoclet things
....copy xdoclet-generated source over to src/java...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sonnek, Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Maven Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 8:07 AM
Subject: location of generated source

> Where do most maven developers place generated files (ex: xdoclet)?
> I've been developing a maven project for the past 6 months and have been
> dumping all generated files into 'target' to avoid saving into CVS.  Now,
> with over 200 generated classes, and little change, I'd like to avoid
> xdoclet run EACH java:compile.  So, here are my two options as I see them:
> 1.  create a separate subproject, and have the generated interfaces saved
> src/java to "appease" maven.  Add a task into maven.xml to regenerate the
> classes only when needed.
> 2.  save the files in src/java-gen (or something like that), and modify
> maven.xml to add that location to the maven.src.path (is that the right
> property?).
> what do others do out there?
> Ryan
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