Hi Dalibor,

Dalibor Topic wrote on Thursday, February 05, 2004 2:21 PM:
> Hi Rafal,
> Rafal Krzewski wrote:
>> Dalibor Topic wrote:
>>> But this is not the proper forum to discuss package management
>>> systems. The thread is about using maven for package management, and
>>> I'm arguing that it's not suited for it.
>> Dude, you keep missing the point! Maven *is not* and does not *pose*
>> itself to be a package management system!
> Dude, you must have joined late in the thread ;) It's about a
> hypothetical, novel idea to use Maven not just as a build system, but
> also to distribute and manage software. It's not a general
> criticism of
> Maven.
> It starts here
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.jakarta.turbine.maven.user /10502
> and evolved into a discussion of how well Maven is suited for software
> distribution and management. The context is that novel idea,
> not Maven
> as it is.


Well, but even for this purpose a system like Maven (or Maven-wagon) does meet the 
need of Java developers and users. See, I fully understand your point (writing Gentoo 
ebuilds for Java apps myself), but this is not a specific problem with Maven or its 
technology. We also have Avalon-Merlin around (a kind of Enterprise Application 
Framework) already using the same idea with compatible repo to Maven (although not 
sharing it for some reason). We have Eclipse downloading plugins  and their updates on 
the fly and the new 3.0M6 uses for this functionality an OSCI-based platform. 
Meanwhile I have seen other people stating to use this technology for their own 
applications too. So, it seems this automated mangement and distributions of 
applications has a lot of interest within the (Java) community and solves a basic 
problem and will be eventually become commodity. I bet, that you'll not able to change 
this movement.

So you better hope that there will be not more of this kind of technology developed 
and something like Maven-wagon gets standard. At least for Maven you are able to set 
the repository to a local directory, that you can stuff with symlinks to the native 
libs at various locations. I don't see any other working solution. Maybe you can 
enhance the download technology with a platform-specific mechanism, that will 
automatically use the native build system, but that's clearly out of the focus of this 
community as Jason already stated.


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