jaybytez wrote:
> I have the following structure for my app:
> avitek
> -avitekApp (EAR)
>   - pom.xml
> -avitekParent
>   - src/site/site.xml
>   - pom.xml
> -avitekWeb (WAR)
>   - pom.xml
> My parent pom.xml in avitekParent says the following:
> [code]
>     <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>     <groupId>avitek-sample</groupId>
>     <artifactId>parent</artifactId>
>     <packaging>pom</packaging>
>     <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>     <name>Maven 2 Portal Sample</name>
>     <modules>
>         <module>../avitekApp</module>
>         <module>../avitekWeb</module>
>     </modules>
> [/code]
> Then my site.xml for the parent (avitekParent) says this:
> [code]
> <menu ref="modules" name="Components"/>
> [/code]
> So when I open:
> C:\beaportal\user_projects\workspaces\default\avitek\avitekParent\target\site\index.html
> It gives me links to my child projects (modules), but the urls that get
> generated into the html are like this:
> C:\beaportal\user_projects\workspaces\default\avitek\avitekParent\target\site\avitekWeb\index.html
> And they need to look like:
> C:\beaportal\user_projects\workspaces\default\avitek\avitekWeb\target\site\index.html
> Any thoughts or suggestions?
> Thanks...jay

Dennis Lundberg

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