Garbage collection?
Identify corrupted ones and remove.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Brian Fox <> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Albert Kurucz <> 
> wrote:
>> Brian,
>> Probably no one ever suggested that the corrupt artifacts should be
>> fixed, because fixing is not even possible (every artifact must be
>> signed by the creator).
>> The question is whether you prefer the corrupt ones to be removed or
>> just wait until they become obsolete and no one would care about that
>> they stay or not (quantity or quality has the priority?).
> To take this further you must define corrupt. If something is
> demonstrated truly and completely broken and/or dangerous, it will be
> removed immediately. If a pom is missing a dependency, that doesn't
> qualify, it's up to the project to fix and produce a new release in
> that case.
>> The work on preventing the ugly ones from getting in I agree has the
>> first priority.
>> But will you address (and when?) this second most important task, the
>> garbage collection?
> We are actively working on technology to address this, expect details
> in the near future. What do you mean by garbage collection?
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