Only pointing out that's what people typically do.

On 2009-09-27, at 11:27 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:

Mr. Zyl,

Please don't mistake me. I'm on your side of this debate. I am no more
arguing against basic cleanup than I am arguing for trying to get into the business of arbitrating and publishing elaborate metadata about what is
inside or behind the artifacts.

Central should be as clean as possible in a functional sense: the artifacts in it should contain what they claim to contain, have accurate dependencies, etc. A scheme to hang red flags on historical items that have problems is


On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Jason van Zyl <> wrote:

This is exactly what all sane users do, but we will still try extremely hard to clean everything up and make it easier for open source projects to
get their artifacts to central.

On 2009-09-27, at 10:41 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:

I agree that a point system is pointless.

I mostly care about whether an artifact is well-formed. I don't depend on maven central to help me make business decisions about what open source components to depend on. If I need a component, I do the research to see
what exists, what has a live community, what the licenses are, etc.
when I know that I want something, I go see if its on central. If it's
then I grumble and make arrangements to get to it from my local nexus
instance. All I need to know from central is whether it contains a
functional, up-to-date artifact set f whatever component I've determined
that I want to use.

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 5:13 AM, Anders Kristian Andersen <> wrote:

I hope I get this right
Jason here states that there should only be one central

And yes we can ONLY have ONE central. And this is the ONE we got today
That must be the game we are playing.
The community must be able to TRUST maven / central.
Starting changing this could cause doubt, and a very easy attach zone for

When this is stated....
We must acknowledge we got problems !!!
The central is full of legacy, some artifacts that even might not work,
moved etc.

Here the solution can be to add deprecation lists or better
component-qualtiy-attributes (an xml file next to a component)

To speak clear: pom.xml xx.jar xxx.war ... is read-only.

But a component-quality-attribute.xml file can be maintained, and

The quality attributes can be like:
    deprecated false / true .. when true + a description
    runs-JVM-1.5  true/  (false + description / problem reference )
runs-JVM-1.6 true/ (false + description / problem reference )
    runs-JVM-1.7  true/  (false + description / problem reference )
    runs-JVM-1.8  when this becomes relevant
    is-moved  (no) or path to new location

    osgi-compliant true / false
    ivy-enabled  true /false

maven-2 enabled true / false ... most of our maven-2 artifacts
should hopefully have true here :-)
    maven-3 enabled (soon..)
    maven-4 enabled (when this becomes relevant)

    various PMD level compliant

I here by tries to state that we cannot predict the future.
What today seens perfect, might tomorrow be less usable.

With such attributes users can select the artifacts matching their
I am not sure a point system from 1..10 will match the requirements.

Best regards
Anders Kristian Andersen

On 26/09/2009, at 21.15, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 2009-09-26, at 10:58 AM, Albert Kurucz wrote:

Very nice idea to measure the quality.

But sorry Tamas, 50% corrupt or 90% corrupt does not make a difference
for me.
Especially not, when I have feeling that it is possible to maintain a
100% clean repo with the right automation tools.
If Sonatype's goal is to sell these tools only for paying customers I don't have a bad feeling about that. Everyone has to make a living. But I hope sometime similar tools and a clean repo will be available
for the open public.
I hope OSS developers will recognize the need for quality (and a high
quality repo).

Not having a super high quality central repository actually makes our commercial efforts a lot harder. If I was devious I would have agreed
Brett and would make a completely clean central repository as our plans require intact repositories. But we don't have a clean repository and
to make a separate one would be a disaster for general use. You have to
with what's there and Sonatype will actually invest in cleaning up the generally available repository. We already have with efforts like this:

It would actually cost us more in support with our clients to maintain a
dirty Maven Central and a clean Maven Central with the confusion,
interoperability problems and general issues of potential distrust it
makes no business sense. Now the information we want to add is of
value but it's predicated on generally improving the quality of Maven Central. I don't want Sonatype to be known as the company that stole
Central, doesn't do us any good. So trying to sequester improved
somewhere is pointless. If the base information is not good, then the
system is crippled and that screws Sonatype as well as everyone else.

So the information in Maven Central on a per-project basis I see
increasing greatly with some tools that Sonatype is developing in Nexus
M2Eclipse and this will benefit all Maven users generally. I'm certainly going to leverage that improved information, but so can anyone else.

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 11:22 AM, Hervé BOUTEMY <


Le samedi 26 septembre 2009, Tamás Cservenák a écrit :

I think we all need some clarification, since we all talk about
(we all agreed upon the basic things unanimously).
What is the "quality" of a maven repository (in general)? Can we
it? Can we define it?

A wiki page with piled up (even personal) opinions would be good --

don't hesitate to start one on MAVENUSER Wiki [1]

whatever they are -- and later we should cherry-pick the most relevant

to build some tooling to build these metric. And then, we could
the quality of different reposes (like central) and have a list of
that do meet certain "level of quality" and list publicly the others
does not.


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Jason van Zyl
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