On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Benson Margulies
<bimargul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> An Eclipse project type, or perspective, can decide to show the tree any way
> it likes. The default Java perspective shows all folders as ordinary folders
> except source folders. It hauls source folders to the top of the project,
> gives them a special icon, and labels them with the full pathname (e.g.
> "src/main/java"). In a WTP project, the web content root is also hauled to
> the top and specially labelled.  There is no general scheme for marking some
> arbitrary folder for this treatment. So, unless you are using WTP, and
> telling eclipse:eclipse to write configuration for WTP, you are stuck with
> the irritating folder location. Unless you want to write your own Eclipse
> plugin that rearranged the display in this case.

Thanks Benson, not working with WTP myself, this was exactly what I
wanted to explain to Vincent.

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