On 16/08/2010 12:23 PM, Trevor Harmon wrote:
On Aug 16, 2010, at 7:20 AM, Justin Edelson wrote:

But if you are a single developer, I'm not sure what value you are
looking to get out of this. Your local Maven repository acts as a local
cache, so unless you need to blow this away with some regularity, what's
the point?
Well, I'm a single developer now, but before long the project will grow, and maybe spawn 
new projects. I'd prefer to learn the ins and outs of repositories when the project is 
small and manageable. I was also intrigued by the promise to "shave minutes off a 
build" [1] and was wondering if this does in fact require a repository manager or 
could be accomplished more simply. Also, I just wanted to be a good Maven citizen and 
take a load off Central, if that wasn't too hard to do.

A repo manager like Nexus is really worthwhile. It is one of my biggest regrets that we waited 2 years before setting it up. It has made working properly with Maven a much simpler thing to understand. It has got the whole team singing out of the same choir book and using the right versions for all the builds. It simplifies the use of software libraries that for licensing reasons are not available in Maven Central.

But perhaps the most important reason is that I need to deploy customized 
versions of some Maven plugins. There are a couple I'm using on Central that 
are buggy, and might not be updated for awhile, so I need to deploy and use 
versions that have the bugs fixed. It's not clear to me if I need a repository 
manager for that, or if I can get away with the non-managed repository I have 
now for deploying project artifacts (and the site).


[1] http://maven.apache.org/repository-management.html

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