>-----Original Message-----
>From: Trevor Harmon [mailto:tre...@vocaro.com]
>On Aug 16, 2010, at 1:20 AM, Stephen Connolly wrote:
>> Your life would be much easier using a repository manager for your
>> "internal" repository.  Nexus is almost trivial to set up, for
>It is trivial to set up *if* you have the necessary permissions to set
>the service. In my case, I'm an independent contractor, and the only
>I personally have access to is from one of those shared hosting
>and it's simply not possible to run Jetty or Tanuki in that kind of
>environment. My client does have their own servers, but I'd have to
make a
>special request to get one of their IT guys to set it up for me. So
>you've got root access to your own server... not trivial.

I'm not sure whether this helps you any, but you don't need to run Nexus
as root.  For instance, I run it under it's own userid, on a
greater-than-1024 port that was arbitrarily chosen when we installed it.

>Okay, but I'm just not understanding how to configure Maven for that.
>I could set up a <repositories> element like this:
>    <repository>
>        <id>central</id>
>        <url>http://repo.myserver.com/repository/</url>
>    </repository>

Not quite.  You're probably going to want everything going through the
repository manager.  I ended up modifying the settings.xml file across
all the machines that I have maven installed.  That is probably better
handled through a ~/.m2/settings.xml file, but it works about the same.
The things I added are:

A mirror element, which forces all requests to go through nexus:
        <!--This sends everything else to /public -->

That "/nexus/content/groups/public" path maps to a "repository group"
that I setup in nexus.  Each actual repository on the net (such as
central) are created in nexus as proxy repositories, then added to the
repository group.

A profile element that lists an arbitrary repository:
...same as repository element...
       <activeProfile>nexus</activeProfile> <!-- always active -->

A server element with the username and password for deploying things:

>And that tells Maven to check the above URL for artifacts before going
>to repo1.maven.org. But it only knows how to download, not upload. How
>Maven put the newly downloaded artifacts into this repository? (I
>that's what a repository manager is for...)

Uploading happens through the distributionManagment url you put in your
pom.xml file (or possibly a common, shared parent pom file).  e.g.:

      ...other pom.xml stuff...


                When a build has a version of <foo>-SNAPSHOT, this
                will be used for the "deploy" phase.


The "/nexus/content/repositories/snapshot" and .../releases paths are
"hosted" repositories that were created within Nexus.

Hope this helps.


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