On 8/16/10 12:23 PM, Trevor Harmon wrote:
> On Aug 16, 2010, at 7:20 AM, Justin Edelson wrote:
>> But if you are a single developer, I'm not sure what value you are
>> looking to get out of this. Your local Maven repository acts as a local
>> cache, so unless you need to blow this away with some regularity, what's
>> the point?
> Well, I'm a single developer now, but before long the project will grow, and 
> maybe spawn new projects.
> I'd prefer to learn the ins and outs of repositories when the project is 
> small and manageable.
If you want to have the infrastructure you'll need when the project
*has* grown, then you should be using a repository manager. End of
story. If you don't or can't use a repository manager now (and I totally
understand why this is the case), then you're stuck with what you have.

One "in and out" to learn is that your distinction of "internal" and
"external" repositories isn't found in Maven. Maven has two types of
repositories: local and remote. You have exactly one local repository
(~/.m2/repository, although this is configurable) and any number of
remote repositories. The concept of a "repository manager" is external
to Maven. Maven doesn't know if you use a repository manager. Maven
doesn't care.

Don't get me wrong - everyone should use a repository manager.

> I was also intrigued by the promise to "shave minutes off a build" [1] and 
> was wondering if this does in fact
> require a repository manager or could be accomplished more simply.
This requires a pre-populated cache. As a single developer, you will
never have a pre-populated cache unless you either a) use a second
computer or b) delete the contents of your local repository.

> Also, I just wanted to be a good Maven citizen and take a load off Central, 
> if that wasn't too hard to do.
Again, as a single developer, it isn't possible to take load off Central
(or mirrors) because you always need to download artifacts at least
once. And unless you do the things I said above, you never need to
download artifacts *more than once*.

> But perhaps the most important reason is that I need to deploy customized 
> versions of some Maven plugins.
> There are a couple I'm using on Central that are buggy, and might not be 
> updated for awhile, so I need to
> deploy and use versions that have the bugs fixed. It's not clear to me if I 
> need a repository manager for that,
> or if I can get away with the non-managed repository I have now for deploying 
> project artifacts (and the site).
You don't need a repository manager for this. You can deploy these
artifacts to your own remote repository. Actually, you don't even need a
remote repository for this. You just need to install fixed versions into
your local repository.


> Trevor
> [1] http://maven.apache.org/repository-management.html
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