On 14 October 2010 22:56, Kenneth McDonald
<kenneth.m.mcdon...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>>> Hi Wayne, I'll post one more response to your well-thought-out question.
>>> Here is the pom file I'm currently using:
>>> and just so you don't have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see the 
>>> comments, I'll put them here :-)
>>> - Is there _anything_ in the structure of this file which leads me to an 
>>> "aha, I understand what the major
>>> and minor parts of the file are all about" moment?
>>> - Does the file get across what it means both concisely and clearly?
>>> - Is the syntax of the file for the convenience of the programmer, or the 
>>> convenience of the tools
>>> that process it?
>>> - Could someone well-versed in programming, but without an understanding of 
>>> maven, make at
>>> least some sense of this file?
>>> IMHO, the answers are no, no, for the convenience of the tools, and no. In 
>>> terms of readability,
>>> this file (and all pom files I've seen) are simply disasters. In terms of 
>>> semantics--OK, pretty good.
>>> In terms of usability, what a piece of garbage!
>> But why would you ever see this?
>> Doesn't your IDE support Maven?
> I use IntelliJ IDEA, one of the better thought of IDEs. Regardless, it makes 
> me look at the pom as xml. But
> even that begs the question.

IntelliJ kicks ass

>> There is no reason why any of my guys would ever look at this as XML.
>> We use Eclipse/STS as an IDE and this simple POM would never require anyone 
>> to do anything in XML.
>> Hand editing POMs is not a reasonable thing to do in 2010  unless you are 
>> debugging Maven and want to break a POM to see what Maven does.
> I agree. Hand editing POMs is not reasonable because POMs are not amenable to 
> hand editing. That's a problem
> of the POM format, not of the concept of hand editing.

I routinely edit my pom's by hand using vi, I do not feel any major
pain so doing, and I have some rather complex pom's at that... I have
one pom that starts two jetty, selenium, a derby database, some other
odds and sods and runs integration tests with failsafe... ok ok ok so
i'm a pmc, but still it's no big deal working with the pom as is

>> You need to look at parent POMs to get rid of the clutter:
>> This goes in the project parent POM so you don't put it in a POM that 
>> generates an artifact:
> That may be the case (and is something that is nonobvious from reading basic 
> maven docs), but...
>>    <developers>
>>        <developer>
>>            <id>kmcdonald</id>
>>            <name>Kenneth McDonald</name>
>>            <email>ykkenmcd [at] gmail com</email>
>>        </developer>
>>    </developers>
>>    <licenses>
>>        <license>
>>            <name>Lesser General Public License (LGPL)</name>
>>            <url>http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt</url>
>>            <distribution>repo</distribution>
>>        </license>
>>    </licenses>
> developers = [{id: "kmcdonald", name: "Kenneth McDonald", email: "ykkenmcd 
> [at] gmail com"}]
> licenses = [
>                {
>                        name: "Lesser General Public License (LGPL)",
>                        url: "http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt";
>                        distribution: "repo"
>                }
> ]
> That's ten lines of code vs. fifteen, and the ten lines are _much_ more 
> readable. And I could've compressed those ten lines further without much 
> effort. C'mon, people, where's your sense of proportion? The syntax I've used 
> is pretty Pythonic (not sure if it's exactly that since I've used 
> Perl/Python/JavaScript so interchangeably), but it's been around for a _LONG_ 
> time. Much longer than Maven has been using--Gaggh--XML. Exactly WHAT is the 
> problem with using a syntax that is:
>        a) easily parsed
>        b) easily read
>        c) easily written
> Oh, and while I'm at it, I'll mention another pet peeve of XML: The idea that 
> things should be text _unless_ they are explicitly marked as not text. This 
> completely flies in the face of I don't know how many years of CS, and is 
> simply wrong. Most of most coding constructs is control logic. It follows 
> that it should be easy to write the control logic, a little bit more 
> difficult to write the literals. Now when HTML was being designed, that was 
> different, because they were designing to a format whose primary purpose was 
> visual represention on a page. Guess what, boys and girls--we're not doing 
> that anymore! XML is a control format, and should make it easy to write the 
> control parts of the statements, and a little tougher to write the literal 
> parts. The fact that it doesn't do this is evidence if its almost complete 
> inadequacy to serve as a control language.
> ...I've edited out a lot here below for brevity.
> Cheers,
> Ken
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