On Nov 10, 2010, at 3:40 PM, marshall wrote:

> Hi;
>  This is probably a beginner question, but I thought it was worth posing 
> because it is frequently very frustrating when working with Maven.
>  Is there a clear way to know which particular dependencies Maven requires, 
> when working with a set of jars/libraries?

This isn't as much a Maven question as it is a question on the organizations 
that package the dependencies, but here's some info.  Dependencies typically 
depend on other dependencies, and one eventually gets a transitive closure of 
dependencies.  You can see this in your build by running 'mvn dependency:tree'. 
This will show you a tree of who is pulling in what, and help make decisions on 
what to pull in at the top level and what you can ignore.

For instance, if you used to pull in asm for use with Hibernate, you can stop 
doing that, because the Hibernate dependency you choose will know better what 
exact version it was compiled at.  If you need a specific version of asm for 
your own needs, this is where things get more complicated.

These problems existed before Maven though.  Maven just gives you a bigger, 
more efficient gun to shoot yourself in the foot with.

Hope that helps...

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