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-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Heuer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 8:37 PM
To: Carlos Sanchez
Subject: Re: [Poll] Writing documentation with Maven

For software documentation I use xdoc and emacs with sgml/xml mode.

For more formal documentation I use docbook (proper citations, bibliography,
indexing, etc.) but have not tried the docbook maven plugin.


On Tue, 7 Sep 2004, Carlos Sanchez wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to start a thread about how do you write your documentation 
> to be integrated with Maven. Maybe I can give away some GMail invites 
> to those participating, it's not much, but as you may know open source 
> doesn't pay the bills, at least not MY bills ;-)
> 1. What format do you use to write documentation?
>    A. xdoc
>    B. html
>    C. docbook
>    D. latex
>    E. who needs documentation?
> 2. If you didn't choose A, how do you transform your doc to be 
> integrated in a Maven powered site?
>    A. html2xdoc
>    B. docbook plugin
>    C. sdocbook plugin
>    D. latex plugin
>    E. other, please say what
>    F. I don't transform, only link to my docs
>    G. I write it again
> 4. What tool do you use to write the docs?
>    A. notepad / vi and similar
>    B. one that is not WYSIWYG (please say what)
>    C. a WYSIWYG editor (please say what)
>    D. an hex editor
> 3. Would you like to use another format instead of answered in (1) and
> Leave your name here if you'd like a Gmail invite.
> Regards
> Carlos Sanchez
> A Coruña, Spain
> Oness Project
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