>1. What format do you use to write documentation?

C. DocBook

>2. If you didn't choose A, how do you transform your doc to be integrated in
>a Maven powered site?
>   A. html2xdoc
>   B. docbook plugin
>   C. sdocbook plugin
>   D. latex plugin
>   E. other, please say what
>   F. I don't transform, only link to my docs
>   G. I write it again

B. DocBook plugin (with some custom extension to the docbook2xdoc XSL)
E. My custom DocBook plugin (which I hope to release as Open Source someday)

I've found that the docbook2xdoc plugin is (as he disclaimer says) not very complete 
and have added extensions to it as I've needed them.  I've also found that for some 
complex docbook documents, using the DocBook XSL stylesheets to transform to html and 
than using html2xdoc works better than docbook2xdoc.

I've also used DocBook Website (extended DTD) 
http://docbook.sourceforge.net/projects/website/  to produce a Maven-styled website 
(http://www.msgilligan.com/about.html) (My wife, Lisa Valenzuela, did the XSL and CSS 
work to give it a Maven look.)

When I find the time (hah) I'd like to finish my custom plugin and release it on one 
of the open source sites ( java.net, tigris.org ?)  I would also like to create an 
xdoc->docbook plugin to convert the various maven-generated reports and to use DocBook 
Website to generate the whole project site. 

>4. What tool do you use to write the docs?
>   A. notepad / vi and similar
>   B. one that is not WYSIWYG (please say what)
>   C. a WYSIWYG editor (please say what)
>   D. an hex editor

A. vi and BBEdit (http://www.bbedit.com)
B. jEdit (http://www.jedit.org)
C. XXE (XMLMind XML Editor (http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/)

I use vi or BBEdit for real quick edits.  jEdit works well for tag based editing with 
tag-completion and DTD checking.  XXE works will for structured WYSI-almost-WYG 

>3. Would you like to use another format instead of answered in (1) and why?

No.  I'd just like to see better DocBook integration within Maven, and am willing, 
with my limited available time, to contribute to this goal.

>Leave your name here if you'd like a Gmail invite.

Sean Gilligan (let me know if you need any more info for the Gmail invite...)



M. Sean Gilligan                    : 831-466-9788 x11
Catalla Systems, Inc.

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