already have a gmail account....thanks though.

1. A - xdoc
4. A - notepad
3. I think the BEST way to produce the static xdoc documentation would be to transform 
a wiki's html.  I heard about a confluence plugin, but haven't seen anything more on 

-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Sanchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 12:15 PM
To: 'Maven Users List'
Subject: [Poll] Writing documentation with Maven

Hi all,

I'd like to start a thread about how do you write your documentation to be
integrated with Maven. Maybe I can give away some GMail invites to those
participating, it's not much, but as you may know open source doesn't pay
the bills, at least not MY bills ;-)

1. What format do you use to write documentation?
   A. xdoc
   B. html
   C. docbook
   D. latex
   E. who needs documentation?

2. If you didn't choose A, how do you transform your doc to be integrated in
a Maven powered site?
   A. html2xdoc
   B. docbook plugin
   C. sdocbook plugin
   D. latex plugin
   E. other, please say what
   F. I don't transform, only link to my docs
   G. I write it again

4. What tool do you use to write the docs?
   A. notepad / vi and similar
   B. one that is not WYSIWYG (please say what)
   C. a WYSIWYG editor (please say what)
   D. an hex editor

3. Would you like to use another format instead of answered in (1) and why?

Leave your name here if you'd like a Gmail invite.


Carlos Sanchez
A Coruña, Spain

Oness Project

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