> You can filter the subprojects on which you want to call a goal by
> adding the following on the root maven.xml :
> <goal name="myGoal">
>         <maven:reactor
>             basedir="${basedir}"
>             includes="*/project.xml"
>             postProcessing="false"
>             goals="myGoal"
>             ignoreFailures="false" />
>     </goal>

Yeah, I can do this by manipulating the maven.multiproject.excludes and
maven.multiproject.includes properties.

> In your case the subprojects should have the same version number. So 
> I think that you can set the version (SNAPSHOT) on the root POM
> (project.xml) and remove it from subprojects. I hope it will 
> resolve your problem...

Right, part of my problem is that I don't understand exactly how the
SNAPSHOT stuff works.  Perhaps SNAPSHOTs don't make as much sense in a
"multiproject" context at least as far the modules are concerned.  I
replaced SNAPSHOT with an actual version number within the different
modules' project.xml files and the build works smoothly now.



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