It's not non-existant, it was formerly there and is obviously still existing in your version of the SCM plugin. However, it'll vanish when you upgrade the plugin one day (since it's deprecated). But you're right: As long as Maven does what you expect and doesn't complain, you don't need to worry.

Gisbert Amm

Jeffrey Mutonho wrote:
On 6/28/05, Gisbert Amm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think it should rather be

<preGoal name="build-all">
  <j:set var="maven.scm.cvs.module">SQLAdmin</j:set>
  <j:set var="maven.scm.tag">SQLAdmin_1_0</j:set>
  <attainGoal name="scm:cvs-checkout-project"/>

Note that maven.scm.cvs.module is deprecated. I guess you should use
maven.scm.url instead. AFAIR correctly, scm:cvs-checkout-project is also
deprecated and you should rather use scm:checkout.

Ok thanks , that worked.But then why is it that if I specify a
non-existant tag eg
<preGoal name="build-all">
   <j:set var="maven.scm.cvs.module">SQLAdmin</j:set>
    <j:set var="maven.scm.tag">FOO_BAR_TAG</j:set>
    <attainGoal name="scm:cvs-checkout-project"/>

maven , does not complain about it?It just goes ahead and checks out
the project anyway ...

jeff mutonho

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