>From my adventures in trying to do this, I've found that it's just not a
good idea in the current state of things. There are some things that can
be done with dependencyManagement and pluginManagement, but that only
goes so far.

My suggestion is to standardize things via archetypes to generate POMs
in a certain fashion. For common "automated build" stuff use profile
settings for the build user. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Dhananjay Nene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 1:34 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: How to implement an organisational super pom ?

I need to implement a common pom which can be inherited by a large
number of projects. However the common pom does not reflect a top level
module and does not have any sources or artifacts (since it is used only
for inheritance). My attempts so far lead me to believe that maven
requires me to assign a version to the common pom, and the release
management workflow tries to checkout a project corresponding to top
level pom which obviously fails in my case. How can I implement a common
pom (like the maven super pom) so that the common pom is used only for
inheritance, and each pom which refers to it (as a parent ??) is in fact
a top level application (and not a module/sub module) ?

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