Currently there's :
      - maven-archetype-j2ee-simple
      - maven-archetype-portlet
      - maven-archetype-simple
      - maven-archetype-site-simple
      - maven-archetype-webapp
      - maven-archetype-marmalade-mojo
      - maven-archetype-quickstart

  Sorry, I'm not sure if there's a guide for each. running mvn site:site
on archetypes only generates the basic guides.
  command for generating projects using archetype :

  mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=<group> -DartifactId=<artifact name> 
name> -DarchetypeVersion=<version>

       mvn archetype:create -DartifactId=test -DgroupId=org.test

 try checking
for the latest version of the archetypes
 and if you feel  the  urge to write a guide on how to use them, the
Maven community will greatly appreciate it. =)

pete marvin

siegfried wrote:
> I'm doing a google search for maven archetypes and was expecting to find a
> long list of archetypes. Instead I found definitions of the term and a
> section on creating archetypes.
> Back in fall of 2005 (or was it winter 2006?) m2 did not have many
> archetypes yet. I was guessing by now someone would of ported all the m1
> archetypes (or whatever they were called) to m2. Has this happened?
> I found one at and
> I'll try this out soon.
> I was specifically hoping to find an EJB, SWT, Swing and a boatload of web
> archetypes like tapestry, spring and other MVCs.
> Thanks,
> Siegfried
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