Hello Kev,

I configured Eclipse 3.2, WTP 1.5 and Maven 2.0.4 to play in the same band. Here is how I prepared my environment for developing Tapestry web applications:

  1. Create new Dynamic Web project with Eclipse. Enter src/main/webapp
     for Content Directory. Enter src/main/java for Java Source Directory.
  2. Install Eclipse plugin via Help/Software Updates/Find and Install
  3. Install Eclipse plugin for synchronizing WTP Web App Libraries
     with Maven dependencies (http://adam.kruszewski.name/eclipse/)
     also with Software Updates. See
     http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNGECLIPSE-105?page=all for more
     on this sync issue.
  4. Enable your project for Maven2 by right clicking on project and
     choosing Maven2/Enable. Enter POM values, don't forget to set war
     for Packaging. The icon indicating that your project is a WTP
     project will be replaced my small red letter m. Also Maven2
     Dependencies library will show up (empty).
5. Right click on your project in Package Explorer (I work in Java Perspective) and choose Properties. Find LibCopy properties in
     the list and  check the only checkbox and be sure that Local
     folder points to src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib.
  6. Add dependent library  (say Tapestry) by right clicking the
     project and then Maven2/Add  Dependency. In the dialog type
     tapestry which will show up a list of possible artifacts. Choose
     version 4.0.2 and wait for all jars to download (there should be
     10). Maven2 Dependency library in Package Explorer should now
     contain references to jars in your local maven repository. Also
     Web App Libraries should contain white jar icons with a small
     arrow in the lower right corner.
  7. Configure Tomcat (or any other container) in
     Preferences/Server/Installed Runtime and then attach your project
     to this server instance.
  8. Specific instructions for Tapestry can be found at

You can now change HTML _and_ Java source files without copying anything anywhere. This is as rapid as it gets in pro/large web app development as far as I can tell. Having HTML designer doing page mockups with Dreamweaver _in parallel_ with Tapestry coder, both using Subversion, is a winning game but this is already off-topic.

I hope this recipe will get you up to speed.

Borut Bolčina

Kev D'Arcy pravi:

I'm trying to set-up a dynamic web project in eclipse 3.2 using wtp 1.5
and maven. I have everything in my project compiling correctly but the
runtime classpath is missing all the dependencies that are defined
in my pom.xml. Do they need to be defined in the .classpath file as well
as in the pom.xml?


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