On 8/30/06, Pierre-Yves Saumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I switched to Maven 2 because I was tired of Ant.

When one looks at a good Java project, one can find its way easyly
because there are well known architecturing and coding standards. There
are no such things with Ant. I remember trying to find my way in Ant
scripts calling other Ant scripts, and that was kind of a nightmare.
(Even with scripts I had written myself few monthes before :-)

Maven is exactly what I need. The maven way to do things might not be
the best way, but it is consistent. Consistency is much more valuable
than anything else. It is what I like the most in Java, and it is what I
like in Maven.

The big problem is documentation. The Merger book is a good
introduction, but it does not help very much to do your own work because
as soon as you need something a bit different from the example, your are

I learned the most from two chanels : The Maven 1 documentation (many
things work the same) and looking at Poms in other projects. (For
example Wicket).

What is urgently needed (IMO) is a Reference documentation with the list
of all configuration options and all possible values.

I decided to spend 6 week to learn Wicket, Maven 2 and EJB3 before I
start my next project. Until now, I am very satisfied with Wicket and
Maven 2. What I miss the most is aggregation. Some reports seems not to
aggregate at all, somes have problems (aggregating Javadoc AND Xref). I
also have problems to understand complicated transitive dependencies (I
ou're using JBoss, you better be sure that there is not a wrong version
of a jar in the classpath ;-)

Yeah, I have endless problems fighting with JBoss. So much so, that I
created a plugin at work that does the following:

Recurse through a project (well, directory structure) and deploy all
jars,wars,ears (anything requested) to a repository w/ the same groupId and
version number (presumably the gID/version of the project, such as jboss:

product:product / deploy
Generates an assembly for the remaining files (xml, directories, etc) and
builds a zip of the product with a pom, so you can deploy it to a reposiory.

Grabs the product (zip) from the repository and unpackages it to the given

What I was thinking here was a sort of "Mavenized" APT or MSI for installing
specific versions of an entire product. I'm not certain if it is an
abomination against nature, or has any merit at all (naturally, there can be
problems with exact copies of artifacts under different coordinates, eg.,
jboss:junit:4.0.4 vs junit:junit:4.0 ).


Eric Redmond a écrit :
> Hi all Maven users!
> I'm beginning a study to outline the real reasons that people have for
> avoiding Maven. My questions to you all are:
> What were your anxieties about using Maven? If you use Maven: what
> you make the decision? If you don't: why did you avoid it?
> Here are some that I have heard in the past:
> * Lack of good documentation.
> * Community unwilling to help me with my problems.
> * Not "industry supported" or "mainstream" enough.
> * I don't like conforming to the Maven project layout.
> * My project is too complex to switch.
> * There are not enough plugins available.
> * We already have a large investement in tool X.
> * I have to build native/non-Java code.
> Any more reasons? Care to expand these ideas?
> Thanks for your help!
> ____
> Eric Redmond
> http://codehaus.org/~eredmond

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Eric Redmond

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