Hello Aaron

this can be done setting the mirror in settings.xml

        <name>Internal Mirror of central.</name>

-> if you use proxy in the url then archiva will try to download
   missing artefacts from the proxied repo setup in archiva

-> if you use repository in the url then archiva will only be
   a cache provider for your already downloaded artefacts


maven_release is our internal proxy repository...

I don't know if this is still like this in the current daily build
as I didn't tried it...



> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 11:19 AM
> To: archiva-users@maven.apache.org
> Subject: Proxy settings
> Hello,
> We're using maven for internal development. Since the 
> internet as a whole 
> and our connection to it especially are not always reliable 
> (for example, 
> a new version of a virus checker sometimes starts to block out maven 
> downloads), we wanted to use Archiva as a local cache of the 
> central maven 
> repositories.
> As it is right now, I have to configure each repository 
> individually. What 
> we would prefer is a setting which makes Archiva the default 
> proxy for 
> maven so all external connections are made over it.
> This would allow us to keep local copies of all artefacts so internet 
> outages wouldn't affect us anymore. Also, we could fix broken 
> packages 
> locally. Ideally, there should be two caches: One with stable 
> version for 
> development and one which can update itself with the current 
> versions from 
> the internet.
> Is this possible?
> Regards,
> -- 
> Aaron Digulla

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