On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 23:07 +0100, Adam Hardy wrote:
> I thought I'd post a more generic description since it seems no-one else 
> recognises the problem.
> Can't find any references to it in the JIRA or on the mailing list or in fact 
> just generally by googling (there is some stuff but it was for mvn 1.1 and 
> fixed).
> Using the src/main/javadoc directory for package.html files just doesn't work.
> Does anyone successfully process their package.html and images etc from 
> src/main/javadoc? I'd be interested to hear.
> Thanks
> Adam

Yes, this works here (Java 5, Maven 2.0.6, javadoc plugin 2.2). At least
the package.html bit, I did not try images. There is an issue with
aggregated documentation
( http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MJAVADOC-118 ) but this should not
apply to your case.

- Henry

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