On 7/10/07, Rémy Sanlaville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As I mentioned in my first post, try to add this in your setting.xml
      <id>Corporate Proxy</id>
      <name>my corporate repository</name>
      <url>url to your maven 2 proxy</url>

This indicates to maven 2 to look at your maven 2 proxy instead of repo1.
Normally your proxy is configure in order to look at maven 2 repository if

Ok, I have added this and works.

I still have one question unresolved:
why to download artifact defined as dependency from my company repo I
just need to add the <repository> in my pom (or in settings.xml) while
when the artifact to download is the parent project I need to specify
the mirror?

The second part  is not needed, you think is better to add it anyway?

Thanks so much for help.

It also depends on how your maven 2 proxy is configure. In your case, it
seems that
you also have to add your corporate repository in your pom.xml in order to
find your
pom corporate (I assume that you pom corporate is in your inhouse
repository) :

      <name>Inhouse maven repository</name>
      <url>url to your corporate repository</url>

This indicates to maven 2 to look at your inhouse repository to find your
pom corporate in order to download it in your local repository.


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