
Well. Ahem. It's a bit hard to understand without the project at hand
to be honest.

On 10/9/07, Kram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmmm, ok. Well I can tell you that I am not allowed to re-structure the
> directory structure of my project. And it doesnt follow the standard Maven
> structure.
> Here is a snippet of the POM:
> <project    xmlns="";
>             xmlns:xsi="";
>             xsi:schemaLocation="
>         <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>         <groupId></groupId>
>         <artifactId>WITOL</artifactId>
>         <packaging>war</packaging>
>         <version>109</version>
>         <name>Work Item Tracking OnLine</name>
>         <!--Setup Custom Layout-->
>         <build>
>                 <sourceDirectory>webApp/WEB-INF/src</sourceDirectory>
>                 <plugins>
>                         <plugin>
>                         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>                         <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId>
>                         <version>2.0.2</version>
>                         <configuration>
>                                 <!--
>                                         Defines the location of the web.xml, 
> because its not in the
> default /WEB-INF/web.xml location,
>                                         we need to tell Maven where it is, 
> relative to the POM file.
>                                  -->
>                                 <webXml>webApp/WEB-INF/web.xml</webXml>
>                                 <!--
>                                         Defines where the webApp directory is 
> going to be created on
> output. This location will be
>                                         similar to: /target/WITOL-109/webApp
>                                  -->
> <webappDirectory>${}/${}/webApp</webappDirectory>
>                                         <!--
>                                                 List of src files to exclude 
> from the war file
>                                          -->
> <warSourceExcludes>webApp/WEB-INF/src/**/*.java</warSourceExcludes>
>                                 <webResources>
>                                         <!-- Including required top level 
> webApp directory resources -->
>                                 <resource>
> <directory>webApp</directory>
>                                                         <includes>
> <include>*/**/*.jsp</include>
> <include>images/**</include>
> <include>javascript/**</include>
> <include>styles/**</include>
> <include>stylesheets/**</include>
>                                                         <include>*</include>
>                                                         </includes>
>                                                 </resource>
>                                                 <!-- Including required 
> WEB-INF directory resources -->
>                                                 <resource>
> <directory>webApp/WEB-INF</directory>
>                                                         <!-- All required 
> WEB-INF folders and files to be defined here -->
>                                                         <includes>
> <include>*.xml</include>
> <include>*.dtd</include>
> <include>lib/*.jar</include>
> <include>config/**</include>
> <include>tags/**</include>
>                                                      </includes>
>                                                      <!-- Target directory 
> for output relative to webappDirectory -->
> <targetPath>WEB-INF</targetPath>
>                                                 </resource>
>                                                 <!--
>                                                         Including required 
> top level "common" directory files . This includes
>                                                         all config and xml 
> files for workflows, etc...
>                                                 -->
>                                                 <resource>
> <directory>common</directory>
>                                                         <includes>
>                                                                 <!-- Add in 
> any extra configuration directories or files here -->
> <include>config/**</include>
> <include>emailTemplates/**</include>
> <include>lib/**</include>
>                                                         </includes>
>                                                         <!-- Target directory 
> for output relative to webappDirectory -->
> <targetPath>../common</targetPath>
>                                                 </resource>
>                                                 <!--
>                                                         Classpath dependant 
> resources
>                                                 -->
>                                                 <resource>
> <directory>webApp/WEB-INF/classes</directory>
>                                                         <!-- Target directory 
> for output relative to webappDirectory -->
> <targetPath>WEB-INF/classes</targetPath>
>                                                 </resource>
>                                 </webResources>
>                         </configuration>
>                         </plugin>
>                         <!--
>                                 By default Maven 2 doesnt allow for multiple 
> sourceDirectory
> configurations, so this plug-in
>                                 fixed that. If any other source directories 
> are created, just add them
> to the <sources> element,
>                                 relative to the root directory of the POM.
>                         -->
>                 <plugin>
>                                 <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
> <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>                                 <executions>
>                                         <execution>
>                                                 <id>add-source</id>
> <phase>generate-sources</phase>
>                                                 <goals>
> <goal>add-source</goal>
>                                                 </goals>
>                                                 <configuration>
>                                                         <sources>
> <source>common/src</source>
>                                                         </sources>
>                                                 </configuration>
>                                         </execution>
>                                 </executions>
>                 </plugin>
>         </plugins>
>         </build>
>         <!-- End Custom Layout -->
> </project>
> NOTE: this is without the dependancies
> Thanks for the help!!!!
> Stephane Nicoll-2 wrote:
> >
> > Your setup sounds a bit unusual to me and overcomplicated. Can you
> > show your pom file and provide more details?
> >
> --
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